We drove over the green hill in the late afternoon to the most beautiful vision. Valleys and mountains covered in vibrant tropical colors of green, and a new little MamaBaby Haiti birth center nestled amidst the hills.
Two hundred people gathered singing to welcome their new midwives and community birth center. Patricia and I were speechless and overwhelmed with tears.
Ten years after MamaBaby Haiti was opened we get to see a second MamaBaby birth center open in Haiti, this time instigated by Haitian MamaBaby Midwife Carmelle, who for the past five years has been using her paycheck to build a home on her mother’s land.

Carmelle, in that moment, decided the home she had been building would become a birth center. She took this to the MamaBaby Haiti board and we wholeheartedly agreed.
Not only did we have midwives graduating from the school in Cap Haitian who were excited to take a job at the new birth center, but two nurses from her home town have been accepted at our midwifery school and will graduate in 2022 and return to their home town. Maternal and neonatal mortality is higher in Haiti than anywhere else in the Western Hemisphere. Skilled midwives and access to care saves lives.

We are now booking volunteers for November 2020 onward! Spots filling up fast! Fly into Port-au-Prince and get picked up by our team and driven to our new Lascahobas birth center. Spend several days there helping with prenatals and mobile clinics and births, swim in the waterfalls and enjoy the beautiful countryside of Haiti. Then our team will drive you to our Cap-Haitien birth center in the second largest city in Haiti where you live and provide midwifery care alongside our incredible Haitian team of midwives. There are also opportunities to go to mobile clinics in the city and a remote jungle location, plus relax with an ocean swim in the Caribbean