Every day, mothers in Haiti lose their lives to postpartum hemorrhage—their survival depends on the skilled hands of a midwife, and the medication needed to stop the bleeding.
For just $26 a month, you can help save a mother’s life.Our goal is to reach $50,000 in monthly recurring donations to provide consistent, life-saving care to every mother who comes to our birth centers.Join our Monthly Donor Circle today and be part of a movement that ensures no mother dies giving life. DonateShe arrived dead on a handmade rustic stretcher… carried by six men.
It took them four hours of walking to carry her as they struggled to get to MamaBaby Haiti in time to save her life.
She had given birth the night before without a midwife to help her. The hospitals were closed, the roads empty of cars, her and her husband and her two little children in their one-bedroom home: alone.
They had not heard of MamaBaby Haiti, and when her placenta did not come after the birth, she bled and bled.
In the morning a neighbor told them about MamaBaby Haiti and they made the stretcher to begin the long journey to the midwives.
By the time they arrived, it was already too late. The mother, weak and in shock from blood loss, died of hemorrhage, with her baby’s placenta still inside.
- You might be feeling fired up. Like how can we let this happen? It’s our duty to help these mothers
- Or heartbroken, asking yourself how are mothers still dying in childbirth? It’s the 20th century!
- You might even be thinking ‘what if I was born in Haiti?” What if that was my sister or my best friend?
- What if the mother had hemorrhaged at the MamaBaby birth center? Would she have survived?
Yes, she would have survived as long as the skilled midwives had the medication they needed to stop the bleeding.
You can imagine the confidence and relief the MamaBaby midwives feel as they begin their shifts, knowing that if a mother begins to hemorrhage, they not only have the training, but also the essential medication needed to save her life.
Every month, over 100 women walk through the doors of our two birth centers.
Any of these women could end up hemorrhaging.

At MamaBaby Haiti, our mission is to save the lives of mothers’ and babies…
In the last 14 years, here is what we’ve accomplished….

Jennifer and Patricia, MamaBaby Founders
When the gang violence interfered with the supply chain of iron and medication in Haiti, we flew to Haiti to take bags full of iron supplements and essential anti-hemmorhagic medications to the midwives.
We get it. It feels like the world is on fire.
There’s so much suffering.
It can feel like the world is lurching from one crisis to the next.
It’s easy to get overwhelmed. That’s why we wanted to create a simple way for you to make a BIG impact…
When you save a mother’s life, you’re helping her family remain intact.
You’re creating greater social stability in the community, as many women are the breadwinners of their families.
And when the mothers line up, standing in the long queue out the door for prenatal visits, they’ll feel confident that the horror stories they’ve heard about birth won’t happen to them.
All for $26 a month.
The cost of picking up a pumpkin spice latte at Starbucks every Friday for one month.
Your desire to help matters, and every dollar you give creates a generational ripple effect.
No matter where you live in the world, you can make a lasting difference in Haiti.
A four year old little girl grabs me by the hand
and pulls me through the dusty narrow trails closely packed with homes made of rusted corrugated steel patched with broken boards and perched precariously on the mountain side with sacks of dirt as their foundation. A sheet hangs in the doorway of most homes. The trail is precarious and I have to let go of her hand for fear I will fall down the steep mountainside and drag her with me. The little girl waits for me if I fall behind, poking her pink tongue out at me. Midwife Carmelle catches up to me and we finally arrive at the one-room, dirt floor home made of cinderblock with a sheet for a door, where she introduces me to her mother. Her mother is in her last couple months of pregnancy and eager for care. We discover she has twins, is severely anemic with a hemoglobin of 5.7, and is planning an unassisted birth in her house, perched on the steep hillside with no water, no toilet, and no skilled birth attendant. MamaBaby midwives gave this mother free prenatal care, iron shots, vitamins, and a safe birth. We now have the joy of seeing her with her thriving twins. No woman should die because of where she lives.
(Written by one of the board members on a trip to Haiti)

Join our Monthly Donor Circle
As a member of our Monthly Donor Circle—a global community united in changing lives for mothers and babies in Haiti—you’ll receive a thank you gift from us. First a beautiful MamaBaby Haiti sticker, and then after four months of donations you will get a beaded bracelet from Haiti.
These particular bracelets are not available for purchase anywhere on our website—they are exclusively crafted for our monthly donors, symbolizing the impact of this caring circle.
When you join this circle of donors, you’ll be making an immediate on-the-ground impact for mothers in Haiti.
Our approach is rooted in the belief that the answer to Haiti’s high maternal mortality rate lies in empowering local midwives, the unsung heroes, with the skills, medications, and resources they need to save lives within their own communities.
This is what leaving a generational legacy in Haiti looks like.
Love from our donors
I’ve been donating for a couple years I believe. I saw you on Instagram at one point and I wanted to help. I am a mother of 3 and knowing how hard it is to grow and birth a baby let alone through hardships, I wanted to help. I love the updates about the facility, culture of Haiti and the lovely mamas and babies.
I support MamaBaby Haiti because I am a mother of nine children. Every time I gave birth, it was in a safe clean place with a doctor I trusted. I want the same for the mothers of Haiti.
Thank you for the work you do to make that possible.
What hemorrhage medication do the midwives use in Haiti?
Pitocin, Misoprostol and IV fluids are the most common medications used to prevent or stop a hemorrhage.
What do you give anemic mothers to decrease their chance of hemorrhage?
Most the mothers in Haiti are anemic due to lack of food. We give all the mothers oral iron supplements to take throughout the pregnancy, and we give severely anemic mothers a series of 10 iron injections.
How do you get the anti-hemorrhagic medication to the midwives in Haiti?
When there are supplies in Haiti we send money to the midwives and they buy the medication and iron injections themselves. And when there is a shortage in Haiti we purchase the essential medications in the US and take them to Haiti ourselves.
I can donate monthly right now. But what if I want to cancel?
You can easily cancel at any time. Just send us an email at [email protected] and we’ll cancel your subscription right away.
I have some more questions about your work, who could I speak to?
Send us an email at [email protected] and one of our board members will personally respond to your questions.
I want to make a larger donation, who could I get in touch with?
You can donate on our website or send a check to:
MamaBaby International
PO Bx 3561
Newberg, OR 97132
Send us an email at [email protected] so one of our board members can personally respond to you about your larger donation!