Bòn fèt, Cameron! Today we celebrate his second birthday. We are all so grateful to experience his joy for life everyday. He is truly a miracle.
Many of you know baby Cameron’s story. For those of you that don’t know ….
Baby Cameron was just two weeks old when he was left under a bench on our MamaBaby Haiti Birth Center porch with a note that his mother had died and to please find him a family.
He was very very sick and we nursed him back to health. MamaBaby Haiti Midwife, Carmelle, adopted him and he lives with her at the birth center. Now he is a vibrant and happy child who brings everyone smiles!
It is babies like Cameron who remind us how valuable the work we are doing in Haiti is. We do not know how Cameron’s mother died or why she couldn’t make it to our birth center for care, but we do know that too many women in Haiti give birth unassisted and die of preventable causes because they cannot afford hospital care, often leaving orphans behind.
We continue to provide free prenatal, birth and postpartum care to women at our birth centers in northern and central Haiti so that they can give birth with a skilled midwife.

Did you know you can support MamaBaby Haiti buy making your Amazon purchases via Amazon Smile?!
If you have not already, put us down as the charity you support!
It’s a simple way to give to our mamas and babies while purchasing the things you need!
(NOTE we are listed as Mama Baby International)