“I hide behind the lace curtain in the doorway to stay out of the way. She sees me and smiles. The small house on the hillside is hot and filled with the bodies of pregnant women waiting to see their midwives. Sweat rolls down my face. I watch her listen to her midwife, Carmelle, and she throws her head back and laughs. I cannot hear what they say. Carmelle carefully measures her belly and feels the position of the baby and listens to fetal heart tones. We are all pressed together in this little home, seeking shelter from the sun, but most importantly seeking and giving care for Mamas and Babies. I feel community and my heart feels full with the sacredness of midwifery work.“
– Jennifer Gallardo, MBH Founder
All care at MamaBaby is FREE of charge … thanks to you!
Each year MamaBaby does close to 1000 births and that is why our centers are so important to the families in Haiti.
YOU make this possible.
Haiti is a complicated place and yes we share stories that create sadness and cause us to shift and make a difference BUT Haiti is also a colorful place filled with the most beautiful people and landscapes that fills your soul and other times oppressing heat and poverty that can be overwhelming.
Oh, Haiti, how you’ve stolen our hearts. Always laughter and tears, hot sticky sweat, and cool refreshing waters. You are a country of opposites. Sadness but mostly JOY … We ❤️ you Haiti … we ❤️ the mamas and the babies … we are all about making a difference in these families’ lives.