MamaBaby is lowering the maternal and neonatal mortality rate in Haiti, one mother and baby at a time.

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MamaBaby is lowering the maternal and neonatal mortality rate in Haiti, one mother and baby at a time.

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No woman or child should die because of where they live.

Haiti has the highest infant and maternal mortality rate in the Western Hemisphere.

We’ve set out to change that. Here’s how.

MamaBaby International is a non-profit that runs two birth centers, health clinics, and a midwifery school in Haiti. We provide a safe place for Haitian women to receive compassionate and respectful care at the hands of skilled midwives free of charge. No one is turned away. Every morning at our birth centers 30 to 70 women wait to be seen by the midwives. Every night you hear the rap rap rap on the gate as women come in labor to the sanctuary and safety of MamaBaby to have their babies.

100% of your donations go to fund our life saving work in Haiti.  Administrative overhead costs in the United States are funded by private donors.

MamaBaby Haiti midwives attend over 1,000 births and 10,000 prenatals per year free of charge. 


After the January 2010 earthquake in Haiti, several midwives traveled there to provide disaster relief and maternity care. They learned to say “I am sorry, your baby has died” in Creole over and over again. Realizing the huge need for midwives and access to maternity care, they committed to return and open a birth center and midwifery school to empower the families of Haiti.

Your donation will save lives in Haiti.

Why free healthcare?

59% of Haitians live on less than $2.44 a day.

Where there is severe poverty, mothers sometimes have to choose between food for their family or having a skilled attendant at their birth.

infants in Haiti do not make it to age 1.

infants in Haiti do not make it to age one.

women in Haiti die of pregnancy-related causes, childbirth, or within the immediate postpartum period. 

women in Haiti die of pregnancy related causes, childbirth, or within the immediate postpartum period. 

children in Haiti die before their 5th birthday.

children in Haiti die before their 5th birthday.

woman’s lifetime risk of dying from maternal causes. (amongst the highest in the world)

MamaBaby Haiti is saving lives every day!